Sustainability Statement
At, we're passionate about our environmental impact, and we're dedicated to helping both people and our planet. We reduced paper by 99.9% in 2020, going almost completely paperless by removing the need to print paper. We achieved this by investing in a complete digital solution that future-proofs our business.
We have worked with our vendors to provide recycled material from your order. This includes the paper that protects your products, to the 100% recycled cardboard box that your order arrives in.
Based on our research, we have selected 6 different types of 100% recycled cardboard boxes. Our goal is to use the correct box size for each order. The result? We've removed the requirement to overuse paper/packing material. We also reuse boxes that we receive from suppliers whenever possible. This extends the life cycle of this box, reducing the volume of waste sent to landfill. Recycling boxes also reduces processing pollution by 95%.
And it doesn't stop there! We've also replaced all lighting on our premises with more environmentally conscious, sustainable LED lighting to reduce our energy consumption, and continue to find efficient ways to reduce our carbon footprint.
We've ensured that our sustainable approach never compromises on quality, getting your favourite products to you in the most eco-friendly way that we can! What's more, amongst our vast selection of products, we stock a selection of brands whose cult favourites champion environmental sustainability.
BabySafety are proud members of Repak. We're dedicated to doing whatever we can to reduce our environmental impact, and being Repak members, we're helping to recycle and recover the material that we produce. Our contributions are helping to fund various recycling initiatives, such as recycling bins, bottle banks and business waste across the country, and we're proud to make a difference through our collaboration as we continue to provide your favourite products in a more sustainable way. Remember that all our cardboard is recyclable and can be placed in your green bin, too!